Star pigs
last nite on bus i saw a fat egg smoking, talking on phone outside the Women's and children's hospital!
Man! TT stupid dumn woman is pregnant! damn her! I would hit her dump head if i got something long in my hand!
lucky her! I always think mothers are....errr...u know the real 'heros" unlike those fatty Pigs made by Hollywood
like "Alexader the Idiot"!
last 2 weeks, sawing, cutting the laminates, painting the house, difficult and hard!
Also !................errrrrrrrrrrr???????????
ok...change topic!
My computer is simple now. I like simple things! Just like my blog! simple and easy and very very boring!
Boring Skin, boring topics, boring me!
I LIKE IT! Just exactly the chinaman's style!
Sometimes is good to return to the basics!
Stupid Aussie Summer???
Sleepy at days but cannt go to sleep!
feeling good at nites and sleep like a pig?
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