Friday, December 17, 2004

my nephew' birhday!


Start blog again!
Well< again~ blogging=boring!

Many Few days again my pc got a font problem.
few days again I repaired it!(means restores system but keeps all other files)
But still! the system is repaired but loadig is slow and Norton installation is disable!

Well>! what ever!

I formated the C drive and reinstalled windows and ok!
the window is good! then what i want is just to put few must-use
programs into my computers(abt 10-18). just keep my C drive slim and fast!
after On and off, restarting many time!
Ok Ok...looking good the system!

I tried to setting the internet connection! but damnn damn dammmn!
I cannt connect!
Man I cheack my phone cable, sockets, modem(take it out and blowing all the dust with my mouth
breath, the driver, damn pc say everything GOOD, cheack the modem setting! Ok
the phone no, user/pass! everything..but still no work!

Made 2 phone calls to the Iprimus technical support aND THEY give u some crappy supports!
the last guy is even worse! What he really said is asking to take my pc to silly computer shops to fix
! stupid guy!

anyway! Well, i given up and try to fix it another day!
one day after(yesterday!) when i loggin and tried again! and damn window can CONNect!
Sh!t computer!

OK End here!

!(my review from 1hr walking to digest my dinner)
Last nite!
Adelaide got beautiful night sky!
Met the hawaii guy again while he's watching the Big orange on the sky!
Lots of Xmas light shows in front ppl's hourse
Ohhh..yes. mY nephew Birthday today! Just ONE YEar OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!

ASZRZDW a dn,uuliiews
(my nephew's typing)


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