Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Today is near the end of january! Chinese New year is
where am i going to start?
The weather? last week was recordly HOT! 4 days contineous over 40+ C, plus no rain after.
tomorrow is going to be hot again, 39C, which is alright. Victoria BushFire's smoke is still all around Adelaide's atmosphere! and ...the.....Tomorrow is the Australia National day! which is a day off work for most Aussies to go BBQ with friends, go beach, or stay home watching Australian Open!

Finding 1.
Adelaide has many Elder people. and yeahs. most are women, i guest? (by my own experience). I think women not only can live longer than men, but also stronger &healther than man...Sigh..... in Adelaide is alright. DingHao resturant' CHinatown is nice.

what else to talk about? I guest thats about it!
so many things to do to watch Australia open soon....
SIGH...i already missed many previous matches due to no time~
