rEcent days is NO GOOD
Dammn it! man..Everything seens going wrong.. people say one thing and do something else. makes my plan and my decision becamestupid. and make bloody mistakes. And i have to shut my month and let it go butdamnnn..Far outtttt...
Man//// i m just in a super "crappy" mode..and super "bad luck"Man..ppl cannot b trusted..al i need to trust is me...hmmm....."all the bad lucky....Well,, if others did do what they promised..then things should gosmoothly..but they broken the promises like cracking an ant.then forced to rescue the plan and then i make my bloody mistakes.
well..what the crappy "ever"
Actually i got some other things to say..but simply no time...no mode..wait till i got better mode..then...we will see....hmmmm...
'''''''''''''''''''''''''Chapter 2:1. some ppl think.2. some ppl say.3. some ppl do.some...doing 123.thinking all done by mind, everyone thinks.saying but not doing is easy..doing....man...its hard.............
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...the sky is falling down........
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