Tuesday, February 01, 2005

lottory software

well..download a lottory Pro software tt got all the results of the big lottory around the world.
the results can b undated.

for example Oz lotto. from year 0000 to year 2005 feb 2
well...u then work out the most possible by urself...(well..its quite good if u buy lotto
often....mayb u can win some money by it! even u can just win 20 dollars.


Australia OPEn

Well...that SHIT bastard sAFAN GONE sT KILDA beach with that damn cup yesterday after he won the damn
open! damn him.I should put a damn fish into his damn mouth after i caught lots of stupid fishes at Geelong!

Anyway..who cares..I miss 1/2 of the game cos i was too busy in sleeeping.(well sleeping is a very serious
bussiness to do, mate)
anyway..whatever!....so damn guy hewitt lost(Dream OVer on Sun Hered newspaper) and Safan(Super Idiot)
won. Hewit ..this rich guy..got a great house..(cost millions in WestLake.), a damn Fararri(cost millions) as
cone of the most expensive car in Aussie>..And now..now a famous actress from HOME and AWAY named BEc
...Geee...Shes beautiful and sweet...Damn Lleyton...thats why so many ppl(men's in Aussie) hate him.
and also...he supports Adelaide Crows(one loser footy team..Port Adelaide is the best, mate)

What ever...tennis is over...Footy comes back....YEAHHHH...Errr...still got some weeks to go..but..
its ok....Port Adelaide is going to kick some asses..Btw..Port Adealide is a very good fishing place too.

well...enough typinh...bye